Friday, September 01, 2006

Vegetable Garden

This started as an experimental vegetable garden. We have tomatoes, courgette, aubergine, rhubarb, fennel, basil and lettuces. We also managed a whole starter with deep fried courgette flowers! It will definitely be expanded next year.

Our garden still has a lot of work, but some of our effort is showing.


What a shot! And no comment....


A few snaps of some friends. To the right is Tim and me 'sorting' my toy box. Middle is Mia and myself wanting to get our hands on her older brother's Frisbee and top is Gaba (playing guitar) and Marta enjoying high summer in our garden.


We were extremely fortunate to have very dear friends over for a weekend. Wessel from South Africa, Monica from Nottingham and Amanda and Jason from London. We toasted (ourselves and the occasion) at every opportunity and had a fantastic time.

Feeding myself

What a lot of fun! When the spoon didn't help anymore, I stuck my head in to lick the bottom. Mmmmhhh!

Decent photo

Actually this photo is more for the Grandmothers that are far away. We have to have at least one decent photo of me especially for them.

My mum made this outfit for me. I still do not have a say in what I wear, but I trust their judgement.... for now.


I got this tricycle as a gift and it is quite amazing what I can do with it... use as a step to get ontothe sofa, a tool to chase the cats away and actually racing around the house.

Garden Girl

I love being outside in the garden. I heard somewhere, something about having your cake and eating it as well - me in my yellow stripey suit after a particularly hard day, "working" in the garden.

Cooking Men

It was decided that the men will cook a three course dinner for the ladies. We were pleasantly surprised by our better halves' cooking abilities. With home made lemon sorbet as dessert, need I say more?

My Birthday - 23 March

I had a crown, a helmet, what more can a girl ask for? I had a fantastic day at the crèche - where my crown drew admiring glances from all the people of my size. The helmet is for when I go cycling with my parents.


Running through wind, rain and snow... My parents' idea of fun is going for a run when it looks like this!! Madness?!?

Give me the wheel!

She will want her own car soon...

Holiday South Africa - December 2005

Just a few holiday snaps. We all enjoyed the sun, sea, animals and drives.... Our home address in Belgium is Bergstraat and therefore the photo with Nils pointing to the street name.

Gianna's Baptism in South Africa

I was lucky enough to go to South Africa in December to meet all the family and off course to get baptised. It was a wonderful day that we could share with friends and family. Here I am wit my Mom and Francisca.


It is hard to tell who has more fun at bath time... I love being in the water, but my parents like to play with the foam.

My own chair

Now we can all sit down and eat... I really enjoy being on the same level as the adults.

Grand Place

My Mother and I on the Grand Place in Brussels. It was wonderful to be outside and we had a lovely day just sightseeing.

I am going to crèche

My first day that I am going to the crèche and I am so excited. I really enjoy it and love being around other children. Here I am six months old.

Ouma Linda's Visit

The first time I met my Ouma Linda. I was three months old.

Pink Pumas

My first pair of shoes! Proudly displayed by the parents....

Sleeping Beauties

See what I mean....

Sleeping Beauty

We are still undecided on the issue of who enjoys the bliss of sleep more...she or us? We have very strong arguments to back our case...

Arrival: 23 March 2005

The proud parents. Gianna was born at 15h05 on 23 March 2005 in Gasthuisberg in Leuven, Belgium.